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Digital Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (DMIC)

Digital Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (DMIC)


Digital Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (DMIC)

The Digital Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (DMIC) was launched in June 2020 by TWI Ltd and Sabanci University, who will host the new Centre within its Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center on its site in Istanbul, Turkey.  A Europe-centric approach is central to the joint venture which aims to engage with the wider innovation community to develop a research portfolio, comprising new collaborative projects that will deepen digital manufacturing technologies and result in novel products, systems and services.

Research and development (R&D) will focus on expanding European excellence in advanced composites and related materials, as well as in additive manufacturing of metals and composites, from prototypes through to certified, functional parts.  DMIC will work closely with TWI Hellas, TWI’s operations in Athens, Greece, which can bring R&D expertise in areas such as data science, artificial intelligence (AI) and systems integration to the new Centre.




  • Create high value-added integrated manufacturing technologies
  • Generate multi-functional composites solutions for use in the automotive, wind energy, transport and other industries
  • Achieve agile competency in process and product development for composite intermediaries, resin chemistry, part design and additive manufacturing (AM)
  • Support national and global R&D programmes on advanced composites through strategic partnerships
  • Develop talent through PhDs and open innovation platforms

Core areas

  • Smart, digital additive manufacturing (AM) processes supported by data driven smart manufacturing and quality control systems
  • Optimisation of AM workflow components including design, CAD and data management, inspection and testing, and processes and post-processing to enhance the digital manufacturing value chain
  • Large scale simulation and digital twin for real-time monitoring of AM operations and provision of data to inform identification of issues before they occur, help mitigate downtime and assist in future planning
  • New technologies for autonomous and electric vehicles including battery systems and light-weighting
  • Structural health and condition monitoring



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