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 Download the course calendar of 2023 for TWI Azerbaijan      Download

 Download the course calendar of 2023 for TWI Kazakhstan     Download

Through our eLearning programs, employees working under tight schedule will also be able to use our international training and certification services to improve their knowledge. eLearning courses have many benefits as follows: 

  • Save time
  • Save money

You do not need to travel using this program and follow the set training schedule. You can take advantage of our services by connecting to this program via the Internet at any time and place that suits you.

To access your MT, PT and MT/PT courses...                                                                               Login

To access UT, PAUT and ToFD courses...                                                                                       Login


The program uses voice overs, animations, exercises, videos that allow you to explain the content in more detail, and so on.

Our eLearning courses are constantly evolving and expanding.

Many training packages have also been developed for the NDT program in recent years, covering everything that technicians need to know.

The following courses are currently offered by TWI:

Case Study

Students on a Phased Array UT course in Cambridge, UK, explain how eLearning helped their studies.




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